Adapted from the classic Polish tale, The Dragon under the Hill tells the story of an ancient principality and its inhabitants’ struggle with an uninvited and extremely unwelcome guest!
An evil fire breathing dragon decides to settle in the principality of Prince Krakus, pillaging and plundering the country! Even the prince’s knights encounter much more than they bargained for when they...
Marzenia Daniela mają szansę się spełnić. Został zauważo¬ny przez świetnego trenera piłki nożnej i rozpoczął treningi z prawdziwego zdarzenia. Nowi koledzy ze szkółki piłkarskiej, do której trafił, to wyjątkowe oryginały... Łączy ich jedno - miłość do piłki i zapał do gry. Nieubłaganie jednak zbliża się godzina prawdy, czyli pierwsze poważne rozgrywki w Złotej Lidze Juniorów. Tytuł mistrza Warszawy...
Hansel and Gretel is the classic tale of a brother and sister who get lost in the forest with some surprising results. After being abandoned by their wicked stepmother in the forest, the two children try to find their way home. Suddenly they stumble upon every child's dream: a cottage made of candy! But inside lives a wicked witch who she is not as nice as she at first pretends to be and has an evil...
Little Red Riding Hood is a young girl, so called because of the red cloak she wears. One day her mother asks her to take some food to her sick grandmother, who lives in a clearing in the nearby forest. On the way to her grandmother, she meets an apparently friendly wolf, and since she had many friends in the animal kingdom, sees no harm in stopping to talk with him. But the wolf is not as he appears...
Imagine a tiny little girl, no bigger than the size of a thumb! Now imagine how strange and scary the world must seem to her. Thumbelina is snatched from her home by a toad, who wished to marry her off to his son. But this is not the end of her misfortune; upon her adventures she meets beetles, a catfish, a butterfly, a mouse, a bird and many others. Some of the animals are kind and friendly, while...
Overall, author’s intention is to combine the latest theoretical concepts with up-to-date examples of consumer behavior from different markets and cultures. To create the book useful for students studding at International Business, Psychological Economy, as well Marketing and Management courses were added tasks for individual and group solved in activity table.
The book does not cover all the...
A cat, smart and cunning, clever and mischievous but very helpful: he is just the sort of friend we’d all like by our sides. The youngest of three orphan brothers is left destitute after his parents’ death. But such an apparently sad situation takes a quite unexpected turn for the better when he inherits what appears at first to be a small, quite ordinary cat. But it turns out to be the...
Sleeping Beauty has enchanted generations of readers, young and old alike. The king and queen have a fervent wish; to bear a son or daughter. Their wish is answered when a beautiful princess is born.
Unfortunately, at the banquet to celebrate the daughter’s birth, an evil fairy places a curse on the child, when she is fifteen she will be pricked by a spinning wheel and fall into a deep slumber....
Imagine a tiny boy, small as a finger; that’s Tom Thumb! A woodman and his wife have been waiting long for a child and very soon a son is born to them. But as the years pass, Tom grows hardly at all! Tiny he may be, but he has the heart of a lion. Tom decides to go and help with father chop wood and this is where his adventure begins. Follow Tom’s adventures through the forest; he rides...
When her mother dies, Cinderella’s father remarries and now she lives with her new family; her father, new mother and two new wicked sisters. They are mean and unkind to Cinderella and she is treated no better than a house servant, cooking and cleaning for everyone else. One day the two sisters are invited to a great ball to be given by the king and queen. Cinderella is unfortunately excluded....